
Fire Extinguisher Types and Classes
Each of the different types of fire extinguisher is suitable for different fire classes. It is important that you purchase the right fire extinguisher for your.
As per NFPA:
Five main types of fire extinguishers
There are five different fire extinguishers, which are:
Water, water mist or water spray fire extinguishers
Foam fire extinguishers
Dry Powder – standard or specialist fire extinguishers
Carbon Dioxide (‘CO2’) fire extinguishers
Wet Chemical fire extinguishers

Class A fire caused by combustible carbon-based solids such as paper, wood or textiles
Class B fire caused by flammable liquids eg paraffin, petrol, diesel or oil (but not cooking oil)
Class C fire caused by flammable gases, eg butane, propane or methane
Class D fire caused by burning metals, eg aluminum, lithium or magnesium
Fires caused by electrical equipment (indicated by an electric spark symbol and not the letter E)
Class F fire caused by fats and cooking oils.

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